Vitamin and Supplement Facts
Vitamin and supplement facts can help you determine whether you need to complement your diet. Read up on the facts before you head to the store.
Ultra-processed Foods May Increase Inflammation, Chronic Disease Risk
Top 5 Anti-aging Vitamins
Your Basic Health Maintenance Plan
What's the Difference Between White Sugar and Brown Sugar?
A Simple Salt Swap Could Save Thousands of Lives, Maybe Yours
Should We Be Worried About Nitrates in Our Food?
Healthiest Bottled Water: 12 Options Available in Stores
Do You Need Soap to Get Your Dishes Clean?
The FDA and America's Frightening Food System
U.S. Workers Get 1,292 Extra Calories per Week From Snacks at Work
Why a Second Breakfast Can Be Good for Us
Is brown sugar healthier than white sugar?
What Makes a Food 'Natural'?
20 Healthiest Foods Pictures
Passionfruit: Natural Food
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Magnesium glycinate and magnesium citrate are two similar sounding but distinct chemical compounds that can have differing effects on the human body when consumed orally. Both may also be effective at treating magnesium deficiency.
By Talon Homer
Supplements promise the moon - lose weight, end depression, stop smoking, sleep better, get young again! The supplement industry grew to massive proportions by offering up perfection in a pill.
There's so much information (and misinformation) out there about dietary supplements, it can be hard to know what to believe. Here are some general guidelines.
Some people swear by vitamin C to prevent colds. Is it powerful enough to stop disease?
By Debra Ronca
Is fish oil just snake oil in disguise? Will echinacea really help you combat a cold? Many of the claims around supplements are actually just marketing hype.
Curious about which herbal supplements are best suited for your needs? Learn about the best herbal supplements and common uses.
From sports drinks to high-tech powder mixes, electrolyte supplements on the market are targeted to athletes needing to rejuvenate. Why are electrolytes so important?
Do you run a space heater in your office, even in August? Can you not warm up no matter how many layers you wear? The culprit could be a vitamin deficiency.
Can't get through the day without an afternoon pick-me-up snack? Instead of feeding your fatigue with unhealthy, empty calories, try fine-tuning your diet to keep fatigue at bay.
Olympians are celebrated for their athletic prowess and health. Weightlifters need plenty of protein and nutrients to support their muscular physiques -- so what supplements help them stay strong?
In moderation, vitamins and sunshine can do a body good. But in some instances, vitamins or supplements can make you more prone to danger from those primarily healthy rays. Do you know which ones?
That vitamin A-based facial cream you bought probably sounded great when you heard it could help with your wrinkles or acne. But could it end up making you spend more time indoors, too?
Short of spending the day inside in air-conditioning, what can you do to get through the hottest season of the year? As it turns out, what you eat might help you cope with the summer heat.
Vitamin D is the only vitamin that your body makes itself. But to do so, it has to be exposed to direct sunlight -- without sunscreen. How much sun should you get to make enough vitamin D?
It's getting hot in here! Are there supplements for that? Why yes, there are.
By Sarah Gleim
Some like it hot, but for the rest of us, the thought of a sweaty brow and having to depend on short sleeves or a handheld fan year-round doesn't sound too pleasant. Can a supplement help your heat intolerance?
Feeling flush, sweating, experiencing a temperature or even burning easily in the sun doesn't fit into anyone's definition of a good quality of life. Is it possible that a supplement is playing a role in your discomfort?
Olympic athletes treat their bodies like the highly efficient machines that they are, and that starts with having the right fuel. But can taking the same supplements as them help make your body Olympic-ready, too?
When the temperature is high and the humidity makes it feel even hotter, your body has to work harder. Do you know which supplements can help?
This vitamin A overview will help you understand everything you need to know about this basic vitamin.
What are carotenoids? Click here to learn exactly what carotenoids are.
This vitamin E overview covers the benefits and sources of vitamin E, as well as what it means to have a vitamin E deficiency. Learn all about this important vitamin.
The benefits of vitamin E are numerous. Click here to learn the benefits of vitamin E.
Boswellia, also known as frankincense, has become a popular herb recently for its benefits in fighting inflammation. Learn about the possible health benefits of boswellia.
In many nutritional medicine circles, chlorella, a simple algae plant, is held in high regard for its health benefits as it contains several nutrients that can improve health. Learn about the many health benefits of chlorella.