Pregnancy and Parenting

From conception to cradle, the Pregnancy and Parenting Channel guides you on the journey to parenthood. Learn what to expect when you're expecting.

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An embryo usually attaches to the upper part of the uterine wall, but sometimes implantation takes place in a lower location. The condition is called placenta previa and can interfere with a normal delivery.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Once your pregnancy has been confirmed, what you most want to know is your due date. The average length of a pregnancy is 40 weeks from the first day of the last normal menstrual period. Here's an example of how it works.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

A miscarriage is the ending of a pregnancy due to the premature delivery of the fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. At this point, the fetus is not developed enough to survive outside the uterus on its own.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


Do you have questions about your first period, menstrual cycles, sexual activity and more? Take look at commonly asked female teen questions to get informed.

By writers

If you are looking for helpful information for teens, then take a look at these insightful facts that we have gathered for you about teens.

By writers

Many people first try alcohol or drugs during their teenage years. Learn more about how early exposure to alcohol can lead to more serious problems later in life.

By writers

Mothers of all kinds of species take extreme measures to protect and nurture their young. What makes females so motherly? Is it instinct -- or learned?

By writers


Babies are born programmed to learn language, and are actually quite adept at it. Find out about their language learning process and what to expect from your baby as she develops her verbal communication skills.

By writers

Parents often know intuitively when something is not quite right with their child's development. Find out what signs to watch out for in detecting a disability in your child.

With a slew of recent research to support the benefits to child, mother and society overall, experts seem to agree: breast milk is best. What do you need to know before you start breastfeeding?

By Christina Breda

Going back to school has a long list of to dos. Take a look at these tips for organizing a locker in this article.

By writers


Psychologists suggest that the key to determining how a kid is doing is to look at how the parents are doing. Learn how happy parents make happy kids.

By writers

If you think breastfeeding is out of the question just because you're having multiples, think again. There are countless reasons that breastfeeding may prove to be the best option, even with twins or triplets.

By writers

When it comes to human reproduction, animal metaphors are popular, with all those birds, bees and even storks. Here, we turn to biology to learn how human reproduction works.

By Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D. & Molly Edmonds

During a pregnancy, different kinds of prenatal testing are an important part of the process. Learn how all the different tests protect both mother and child.

By Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.


Smoking is dangerous for pregnant women for many reasons -- learn why.

During pregnancy, an egg transforms from a tiny mass of cells into a living, breathing baby. Learn how the fetus develops during each trimester of the pregnancy and find out how the baby finally makes its way into the world.

By Stephanie Watson