Skin Tone and Texture
Skin tone and texture can greatly affect one's appearance. Learn more about skin tone and texture at HowStuffWorks.
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5 Uses for Toner
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Learn More
Do tanning pills work? We explain how these capsules may or may not boost your skin care routine. Read on to learn the in's and out's of tanning pills.
Thanks to airbrushing and professional makeup artists, most celebrities seem to look perfect all the time. But even in the rarefied air of glamorous stardom, some celebrities are known for gorgeous skin. Check your jealousy at the door for this list.
These getting beautiful skin pictures show some great ways to take care of your skin. Check out beautiful skin pictures here.
It's widely known that melanin is produced in response to sun exposure. So why is that skin tones vary from region to region - no matter how close or far away someone is from the equator, where UV radiation is at its highest?
Do you simply look more beautiful when you're wearing certain colors? It's because your skin tone is complimented by particular hues. How do you know which ones?
When flashbulbs start popping, do you cringe instead of saying cheese? We've got the inside scoop on how to get your skin tone ready for its close-up.
Since they're derived from wholesome milk, it's no wonder that lactic acid products can give you smoother, healthier-looking skin. But do your homework -- not all of them are created equal.
Your skin is your armor, and without it, you would be nothing more than a pile of muscles, bones and organs. And the texture of your skin can tell a lot about the way you treat it.
If you've got a skin care regimen that involves a cleanser and a moisturizer, toner might seem a bit superfluous. But if you add the right kind to your routine, your skin will really benefit.
Imperfections come in the form of sunspots, freckles, red blotchy areas and countless others. But lucky for us, there are a few tricks we can use to try and even the tone out.
Our skin does much more than make us look good -- it's our largest organ. Learning how to identify your skin's exact tone will help you protect it from the elements.
If you want to get the flawless skin of a celebrity on a magazine cover, you're probably out of luck -- those photos go through heavy retouching. But there are things you can do to improve your skin texture.
Why do you look your best in some colors, while others make you look washed out, pale or ruddy? The answer may be in your seasonal skin tone.