Home Remedies
Home remedies have become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional medicine. Find home remedies for common medical problems you can use to treat everything from minor ailments to diseases like asthma and diabetes.
Sound Frequency Healing: The Power of Vibrations for Well-Being
Himalayan Salt Lamps: Health Benefits or Hype?
Does Kombucha Really Have Health Benefits?
Oil Diffusers Make Your House Smell Great, But Are They Safe?
Essential Oils Profiles
How to Treat Common Conditions With Aromatherapy
Kava Is Natural and Legal, But Is It Safe?
6 Handy Uses for Witch Hazel
Why People Are Downing Chlorophyll, the Plant Pigment
What Does Science Say About the Health Benefits of Cordyceps?
How to Treat Fatigue with Traditional Chinese Medicine
How to Treat Headaches with Traditional Chinese Medicine
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A TikTok trend is pretty harmless, but can lettuce leaves steeped in water really help your insomnia?
There are so many uses for this essential oil, including soothing irritable bowel syndrome, relieving headaches, even keeping head lice away.
By Alia Hoyt
With roots in ancient Indian Ayurvedic tradition, saline irrigation can clear up clogged nasal passageways and alleviate some allergy symptoms when done correctly.
Did your grandma ever tell you to toss away the painkillers and just take a nice long Epsom salt bath? Is this just an old wives' tale, or do these salts really have healing powers?
Water is essential to healthy living. Learn the home remedies that will keep you from becoming dehydrated.
Some natural remedies used to treat depression have shown they may be just as effective as -- or at least a good complement to -- traditional treatment.
Warts happen. Don't feel bad about it if they happen to you.
From someone who has tested them all and found hangover relief. Learn more about these 7 natural hangover cures that work.
By Laurel House
These home remedies for diarrhea can help you recover faster and stay healthy. View 10 home remedies for diarrhea to get started.
Need allergy relief? The following home remedies are designed to help reduce the discomfort caused by the most common allergies.
While there's no substitute for the care provided by a good doctor, some very effective remedies can be purchased without a prescription. You can learn more about home remedies from this article.
The home remedies that we have collected aren't risky alternative therapies practiced against your doctor's objections. Rather they are safe, practical actions that you can utilize to help treat more than 100 common health problems. See our list of remedies, A-Z.
You can get rid of your incessant cough with just a few natural ingredients found around your home. Learn how to make homemade cough suppressant in this article.
There are many products and treatments you can use at home to treat nasal congestion. Find out more about home remedies for nasal congestion from this article.
These 10 home remedies for insomnia can help you get back on track with a good night's sleep. See how to sleep better with these home remedies.
Who knew lemons had so many uses? Learn 5 remedies for everyday ailments using juice from this fantastic fruit.
By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Samantha Stallard
Have you ever tried holding your breath, drinking water upside down or any other bizarre method to get rid of the hiccups? Do any actually work?
By Meg Sparwath
There are a number of home remedies for migraine pain relief that can help abate the debilitating pain. Learn how feverfew can help treat migraines.
By Eric Yarnell
Osteoarthritis leads to uncomfortable or disabling joint pain, but home remedies for osteoarthritis pain relief can help.
By Eric Yarnell
High blood cholesterol is a major cause of heart attacks. Learn what those cholesterol numbers mean, and read about the home remedies that can help get your cholesterol under control.
Just about anything can make you break out in hives, including peanuts, strawberries, drugs such as penicillin or aspirin, and vitamin supplements. Learn about home remedies that can help you avoid or relieve hives.
The gallbladder is tiny, but has the important job of storing bile for the liver. Too much cholesterol can cause gallstones, and then a lot of pain. Learn how home remedies can relieve gallbladder pain.
It's a fact: drink too much liquor, and you will suffer the next day. Learn natural home remedies for hangovers, everything from moderation to hydration, and protect yourself from pain the morning after.
Although it is a serious medical condition, heart disease is not a death sentence. Find out how to take natural home remedies to improve heart health using everything from exercise to eating right.
It's more important than ever to keep your immune system in top working order. Learn natural home remedies for low immunity that will bolster your resistance to everything from the common cold to cancer.