Skin and Beauty

Skin and beauty are very closely related. Learn more about skin and beauty at HowStuffWorks.

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Since they're derived from wholesome milk, it's no wonder that lactic acid products can give you smoother, healthier-looking skin. But do your homework -- not all of them are created equal.

By Sarah Siddons

Your skin is your armor, and without it, you would be nothing more than a pile of muscles, bones and organs. And the texture of your skin can tell a lot about the way you treat it.

By John Barrymore

A natural side effect of aging, crow's feet -- those pesky, v-shaped eye wrinkles -- are unavoidable. But there are steps you can take to make them nearly invisible.

By John Barrymore


If you've got a skin care regimen that involves a cleanser and a moisturizer, toner might seem a bit superfluous. But if you add the right kind to your routine, your skin will really benefit.

By Sarah Siddons

Imperfections come in the form of sunspots, freckles, red blotchy areas and countless others. But lucky for us, there are a few tricks we can use to try and even the tone out.

By John Barrymore

Our skin does much more than make us look good -- it's our largest organ. Learning how to identify your skin's exact tone will help you protect it from the elements.

By John Barrymore

If you have freckles, you've probably noticed that they're more prominent after a day in the sun. What's the connection between sunshine and freckles?

By Sarah Siddons


You know how tough some mornings can be -- and it doesn't help to look in the mirror and see tired, puffy eyes looking back at you. Will a hemorrhoid cream take your bags away?

By John Barrymore

If you're running a marathon, swimming the English Channel or spending a whole day doing sweaty yard work, reapplying sunscreen probably isn't at the top of your priority list. Can sunscreen pills help you?

By John Barrymore

You've probably heard about the potential health benefits of using olive oil when you cook. But can you use olive oil on your skin, too?

By Sarah Siddons

You may have heard of the free, readily available acne remedy: the sun. Unfortunately, this is one acne treatment you probably shouldn't try.

By Sarah Siddons


If you want to get the flawless skin of a celebrity on a magazine cover, you're probably out of luck -- those photos go through heavy retouching. But there are things you can do to improve your skin texture.

By Sarah Siddons

Why do you look your best in some colors, while others make you look washed out, pale or ruddy? The answer may be in your seasonal skin tone.

By Sarah Siddons

It's soft and fine and it comes as chalky spheres or loose powder. But is mineral makeup, touted as nature's beauty secret, as natural as it's made out to be?

By Julia Layton

Cosmetic labels printed with botanicals and promises of ingredients that are "all-natural," "organic" or "inspired by nature" might seem promising. But what's inside the bottles?

By Julia Layton


Nothing can brighten up a woman's (or a man's) face quite so fast as a little slick of lipstick. But if crushed beetle shells mixed with wax aren't your thing, we can teach you how to make your own.

By Shanna Freeman

When sunscreen with SPF 70 hits the market this summer, you might be tempted to slather it on and bake. Before you do, learn what SPF numbers really mean.

By Melissa Jeffries

If you dread the crinkles and creases that come with aging -- don't! Stress only makes wrinkles worse. But how can you remedy the ones you've got?

By Editors of Consumer Guide & Christine Venzon

Although it can't stop the aging process, a facelift can make you appear years younger. How is the facelift procedure performed? And what risks are involved with this type of cosmetic surgery?

By Stephanie Watson


Can sugar really be causing problems with my skin? Get the not so sweet facts about sugar and its relationship to skin health.

By Tamar Nordenburg

Microdermabrasion is being billed as an "instant facelift" -- an effective alternative to surgical procedures and Botox. And now more and more men are giving it a shot. So how does it work exactly?

By Dave Coustan

Banish unsightly neck bands. Clear away irksome crow's-feet. Botox injections are being used to erase the effects of time. Some say poison, some say wrinkle remedy. Find out all about Botox.

By Katherine Neer

How do sunless-tanning products work? Which is the most effective: self-tanning lotions or tanning pills?


Sunburn is dangerous and painful, but what is happening in your skin cells as they react to sunlight and UV rays?

A recent study of U.S. college students found that women with four or more tattoos had higher self-esteem than female participants with fewer or no tattoos. Who knew?

By John Donovan