Food and Nutrition Facts

Food and nutrition facts help you decipher a plethora of diet advice. If you're considering a dietary change, these articles can help guide you to the right foods.

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Surprisingly, most people in the world can digest milk fine as babies and lose this ability as they grow up. Why does this happen? And why isn't it true for every culture?

By Alison Cooper

From kids eating it as they play outside to women craving it during pregnancy, dirt ends up as a snack both intentionally and otherwise throughout our lives. Can it actually help keep us healthy?

By Alison Cooper

Today’s conventional wisdom is that a healthy diet does not include chicken skin, fatty foods or high fructose corn syrup. But how many of these food facts are just wrong?

By Laurie L. Dove


Wouldn't it be cool if there were some magical machine that just sucked all the fat out of all the foods we like but still left them tasting delicious? Yeah, not happening, so what is the deal?

By Meisa Salaita

If you've got a constant compulsion to crunch on ice -- huge amounts of ice -- it could be a sign of anemia. What is it about having an abnormal number of red blood cells that makes ice so appealing?

By Maria Trimarchi

Running for sport or fitness can increase your overall energy, but in the short term can temporarily zap your vigor. Could energy bars be the answer?

By Jennifer Sellers

Soup probably isn't the first food that comes to mind as nourishment for runners. And while it may seem like an odd selection, it's an option that's highly recommended.

By Jennifer Sellers


There are times when being attentive in school is a breeze. But there are other times when you need all the help you can get. Here are 10 foods to fire up your brain.

By Kevin P. Allen

The goals of a weightlifting diet should be to lose fat, increase muscle mass and increase energy. But coming up with the right nutritional formula for achieving those results can be a challenge.

By Jennifer Sellers

If you're lifting, you want to make sure your body can handle the wear and tear. The good news is, you don't have to shop at the specialty stores. All the foods you need are at your local supermarket.

By Brion O'Connor

When you work hard, you feel like you deserve to be good to yourself. But after a challenging run, some foods will treat you better than others.

By Kevin P. Allen


What could be more American than a glass of milk? Cow's milk, that is. In light of this common perception, the time is long overdue to add the milk mustache to that ever-growing list of American myths.

By Mickey Z., Planet Green

If the U.S. government won't take a stand on the dangerous chemical, it's up to consumers to watch out for themselves.

By Rachel Cernansky, Planet Green

Use this calculator to figure out how much tuna you can safely eat this week. Learn more about calculating how much tuna you can safely eat.

By Collin Dunn, Planet Green

Some foods are fun to eat, and watermelon is definitely one of them. That triangular wedge of bright red/white/green, sweet juiciness forbids us to take life too seriously and shouts, SUMMER!!!

By Contributor


If you ingest these sweeteners without a second thought, it might be time to think again. Learn more about why artificial sweeteners are bad for you.

By Elizabeth Seward

Doctors often advise patients with cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure, to take a daily aspirin to improve blood flow and prevent clots. However, aspirin tends to have a nasty side effect: over time, you may develop ulcers due to irritation to your stomach from taking it.

By Colleen Vanderlinden, Planet Green

Once in a blue moon I'll hear some positive news on the healthy eating front and dark chocolate has time and time again come out on top. This along with the antioxidants in wine is enough to make you jump for joy.

By Sara Novak

There have been some articles surfacing that claim agave nectar is no better than high-fructose corn syrup?a statement that, as a vegan baker and agave-lover, flabbergasted me, to say the least.

By Team Planet Green


Potassium and blood pressure are commonly linked to one another because of the effect that potassium has on the blood. Learn more about this mineral and how it relates to blood pressure.

By Bobbie Hasselbring

Artificial sweeteners are made from unnatural chemicals, so you should think twice before including them in your diet. Learn about the potential risks of ingesting artificial sweeteners and find out about healthier alternatives.

By the editors of PureHealthMD

Can red wine protect against a heart attack? Learn how the centuries-old process of making and aging red wine might actually offer various mechanisms to protect against vascular disease.

By the editors of PureHealthMD

The caramel coloring prevalent in sodas may cause an increased risk of hypertension more than the caffeine, according to some studies. Learn about the possible hazards of caramel coloring and find out how to avoid it.

By the editors of PureHealthMD


Coconut oil is an underutilized food with a hidden wealth of nutritional value for the body. Learn about the many health benefits of coconut oil.

By the editors of PureHealthMD

Chemical food additives and preservatives have become nearly inescapable in traditional super markets, but these chemicals may not be safe for humans to ingest. Learn about the dangers of food additives and why you should consider organic options.

By the editors of PureHealthMD