Fertility and Infertility

Fertility deals with the ability to produce offspring. Learn about the process of fertilization as well as several methods to help overcome the problem of infertility.

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Pregnancy myths abound, but one of the most common is that it's impossible to get pregnant while on your period. Why is this idea so off-base, and what does the textbook 28-day cycle have to do with it?

By Cristen Conger

Peruvians have eaten maca root for thousands of years, and it's earned a reputation as an aphrodisiac. But can it boost your fertility?

By Jennifer Sellers

When getting pregnant is your goal, it can be extremely frustrating to discover your body is actually working against you. How can imbalanced hormones thwart your attempts, and what can you do to treat the problem?

By Maria Trimarchi


There was a time when women with diabetes were strongly advised to avoid getting pregnant, though caregivers no longer give that direction. But how does diabetes affect fertility?

By Kevin P. Allen

Uterine fibroids are extremely common, affecting 20 to 40 percent of women over the age of 35. Can these often benign growths alter your chances of getting pregnant?

By Maria Trimarchi

It's no secret that hormones play a major role in both the female and male reproductive systems. But why is progesterone called the hormone of pregnancy?

By Jennifer Sellers

Milk, the slogan says, does a body good. But when it comes to your fertility, can there be too much of a good thing?

By Kevin P. Allen


Adenomyosis is a structural gynecological disorder -- it affects the endometrial cells in the lining of the uterus and the muscular layer of the uterine wall. Does it contribute to difficulty conceiving?

By Maria Trimarchi

Metformin was developed in the 1950s as a treatment for diabetes, but doctors have now found a new use for the drug. Can it make you more fertile?

By Kevin P. Allen

Nearly 34 percent of American adults are obese -- a risk factor for infertility in both women and men. But can dropping a few pounds really help boost your fertility?

By Jennifer Sellers

If that ticking you hear seems to be getting louder, it may not be in your head. By the time most women hit age 40, only about 3 percent of their ovarian eggs remain. Can DHEA help fertility?

By Jennifer Sellers


If you'd like to naturally boost your chances of getting pregnant, then you should learn how to use herbs for fertility. Learn about how to use herbs for fertility in this article.

By HowStuffWorks.com Contributors

More than 4 million babies are born in the U.S. every year, and if you're hoping to conceive, it may seem as if everyone you know is expecting … except you. If you're considering fertility testing, did you know that you can now test at home?

By Maria Trimarchi

Life isn't fair. Some women who want to stay childless get pregnant from one instance of a missed pill, while others who want to conceive have no luck after years of trying. Why the disparity? Here, we'll examine five common causes of infertility.

By Katie Lambert

For women, finding the most fertile time of the month can be a challenge. Yet knowing how to determine this window can help couples plan their attempts to conceive. Many will turn to an ovulation test, but how do you use them?

By Marianne Spoon


When you're trying to conceive, getting the news that your hormone levels aren't normal can leave you feeling discouraged. But don't give up hope. Here, learn what high FSH levels really mean and how this affects your ability to become pregnant.

By Maria Trimarchi

Many of the most well-known old wives' tales involve pregnancy. For example, can lactating mothers get pregnant? Simply put, it depends on the circumstances.

By Josh Clark

In a perfect world, using ovulation prediction kits would infallibly lead to pregnancy. The reality is more complicated, so be sure to consider the pros and cons of OPKs before trusting your fertility exclusively to this method.

By American Baby

Every successful pregnancy begins with a healthy egg. But for women who are unable to conceive, there is one solution: egg donation. What does it take to be an egg donor?

By Maria Trimarchi


Surrogacy is one solution for infertility. But why do some detractors think surrogacy is just a "womb-for-rent."

By Maria Trimarchi

Sperm banks help people who are struggling with fertility issues to conceive. How do sperm banks operate, and how do they screen donors?

By Maria Trimarchi

IVF is one of the most common infertility treatments. The sperm fertilizes the egg outside the body, and doctors implant it into the woman's uterus in hopes of a successful pregnancy.

By Melissa Jeffries

Infertility is not sterility. Infertility is defined as a couple’s failure to conceive a child after one year of regular sexual intercourse without birth control. Learn much more about infertility.

By Editors of Consumer Guide