Skin Care

Skin care is a broad term that refers to everything from hygiene to anti-aging regimens. Learn more about skin care at HowStuffWorks.

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Ylang-ylang oil is a sweet, spicy fragrance from South Asia that's popular in cosmetics, cleansers and aromatherapy products. Some product makers claim it might even have another special property.

By Gina Fisher

Vitamins get a lot of press, but they’re not the only nutrients that should be on your health radar. To stay healthy, your body also needs certain minerals. One of those crucial minerals, zinc, acts like a 24-hour, on-call skin mechanic.

By Matteson Cade

Dry skin can be itchy, uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but you can make it a thing of the past by understanding what causes it and how to prevent it.

By Elizabeth Whitmore


You haven't been near poison ivy in weeks, you aren't allergic to latex and you don't have allergies that give you hives -- at least, you don't think you do. So what's that red patch of itchy dry skin? It could be a type of eczema.

By John Barrymore

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes the skin to be overly stretchy or joints to overextend. What causes this syndrome and how can you tell whether you have it?

By John Barrymore

Electrolysis is the only permanent hair removal option available today. Despite its appeal, however, the procedure isn't right for everyone. What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with electrolysis?

By Sarah Siddons

For generations, people have been taking Epsom salt baths to cure their ills. What is it about this naturally occurring compound that makes it so trusted?

By Christina Pander


You've probably heard the phrase, "Don't sweat it." But the truth is that everyone does. In fact, sweating is something your body needs to do -- you need to perspire so that you don't overheat.

By Elizabeth Forester

If rough, scaly patches of skin make you feel like a desert lizard, it might be time to introduce exfoliating soap into your skin care arsenal.

By Sarah Siddons

Your body is constantly shedding thousands of dead skin cells to reveal the smooth, bright skin underneath. And you can help put your best face forward by using the proper exfoliating tools.

By John Barrymore

Face cleansing wipes can come in handy when you need a quick midday refresher or you're too tired to wash your face. But can they protect your skin from breakouts?

By Aida Duncan


Still using that bar of body soap to wash your face? You might actually be harming your skin by getting it too clean.

By Aida Duncan

Face steaming is a common treatment for cleaning pores and helping skin products penetrate better. You can do it at home, but knowing the proper way can help you avoid harming your skin.

By Susan Sentry

Manufacturers claim facial mist sprays can do wonders for your skin, whether you're moisturizing in the middle of the day or setting your makeup. But are these watery mists really worth the money?

By Susan Sentry

Many people are turning to facials to deeply cleanse and smooth out their skin. What kinds of facials are out there, and could one be right for you?

By Sarah Siddons


Nobody likes getting sunburned -- peeling skin and red, itchy patches can ruin a weekend before you know it. And if it's happened without sunscreen, you may be in for even more pain. How long does it take for unprotected skin to burn?

By Sarah Siddons

If you're a parent, you might have noticed that your child's fingernails always need clipping, whereas your broken nail is taking weeks to grow back. Why do some nails grow quicker than others, and how fast do nails really grow?

By Susan Sentry

Often confused with other rash-inducing illnesses, a relatively mild form of fifth disease passes through many kids' lives unnoticed. But what happens when it affects adults?

By John Barrymore

Filiform warts form on the delicate tissue of the face, neck, eyelids and lips. And given how much time we spend gazing into one another's eyes, these cosmetic blemishes can be a real drag to live with.

By Sarah Siddons


Maybe you only think about them once a week when selecting a shade of OPI enamel, or perhaps you think about them daily because you're trying to quit biting them. No matter how often you think about them, what do you really know about your nails?

By Elizabeth Forester

Flat warts are benign growths and don't cause you any pain. But even if they're just a cosmetic problem, you probably want them to go away. Can you shake them for good?

By Sarah Siddons

When hair follicles become damaged or clogged they can cause an irritating red rash known as folliculitis. Unfortunately, a common culprit of the condition is a tempting treat -- relaxing in a hot tub. What else can bring on a case of folliculitis?

By Sarah Rutland

Many people, especially those with red hair or light skin, have freckles. For some, they're a source of pride and character. Others, however, might want to hide them. What causes freckles, and is there a way to make them disappear?

By Sarah Siddons


Friction blisters are a common skin problem. How are they treated?

By Sarah Siddons

Glycolic acid is often used in chemical peels to rejuvenate your skin, but some over-the-counter lotions include it in small concentrations for everyday use. But will they get you the same kind of results?

By Mary Salisbury