Skin Care

Skin care is a broad term that refers to everything from hygiene to anti-aging regimens. Learn more about skin care at HowStuffWorks.

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Many facial creams come with claims of providing a "face-lift in a jar." Can they really tighten skin and wipe away wrinkles as well as surgery can?

By John Barrymore

For those wanting a quick fix to hide scars or cellulite, some health experts recommend carboxytherapy as a more affordable and less invasive alternative to surgery.

By Sarah Siddons

Collagen injections are a popular procedure for ridding yourself of wrinkles, creating a flawless face or attaining Angelina Jolie's perfect pout. But are collagen injections right for you?

By John Barrymore


Looking for a way to hide wrinkles, scars and sun damage? Chemical peels just might help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections. See what treatment options are available and what it could cost you.

By John Barrymore

Do you simply look more beautiful when you're wearing certain colors? It's because your skin tone is complimented by particular hues. How do you know which ones?

By John Barrymore

When flashbulbs start popping, do you cringe instead of saying cheese? We've got the inside scoop on how to get your skin tone ready for its close-up.

By Sarah Siddons

Since they're derived from wholesome milk, it's no wonder that lactic acid products can give you smoother, healthier-looking skin. But do your homework -- not all of them are created equal.

By Sarah Siddons


Your skin is your armor, and without it, you would be nothing more than a pile of muscles, bones and organs. And the texture of your skin can tell a lot about the way you treat it.

By John Barrymore

A natural side effect of aging, crow's feet -- those pesky, v-shaped eye wrinkles -- are unavoidable. But there are steps you can take to make them nearly invisible.

By John Barrymore

If you've got a skin care regimen that involves a cleanser and a moisturizer, toner might seem a bit superfluous. But if you add the right kind to your routine, your skin will really benefit.

By Sarah Siddons

Imperfections come in the form of sunspots, freckles, red blotchy areas and countless others. But lucky for us, there are a few tricks we can use to try and even the tone out.

By John Barrymore


Our skin does much more than make us look good -- it's our largest organ. Learning how to identify your skin's exact tone will help you protect it from the elements.

By John Barrymore

If you have freckles, you've probably noticed that they're more prominent after a day in the sun. What's the connection between sunshine and freckles?

By Sarah Siddons

You know how tough some mornings can be -- and it doesn't help to look in the mirror and see tired, puffy eyes looking back at you. Will a hemorrhoid cream take your bags away?

By John Barrymore

If you're running a marathon, swimming the English Channel or spending a whole day doing sweaty yard work, reapplying sunscreen probably isn't at the top of your priority list. Can sunscreen pills help you?

By John Barrymore


You've probably heard about the potential health benefits of using olive oil when you cook. But can you use olive oil on your skin, too?

By Sarah Siddons

You may have heard of the free, readily available acne remedy: the sun. Unfortunately, this is one acne treatment you probably shouldn't try.

By Sarah Siddons

If you want to get the flawless skin of a celebrity on a magazine cover, you're probably out of luck -- those photos go through heavy retouching. But there are things you can do to improve your skin texture.

By Sarah Siddons

Why do you look your best in some colors, while others make you look washed out, pale or ruddy? The answer may be in your seasonal skin tone.

By Sarah Siddons


It's soft and fine and it comes as chalky spheres or loose powder. But is mineral makeup, touted as nature's beauty secret, as natural as it's made out to be?

By Julia Layton

Cosmetic labels printed with botanicals and promises of ingredients that are "all-natural," "organic" or "inspired by nature" might seem promising. But what's inside the bottles?

By Julia Layton

Nothing can brighten up a woman's (or a man's) face quite so fast as a little slick of lipstick. But if crushed beetle shells mixed with wax aren't your thing, we can teach you how to make your own.

By Shanna Freeman

A giant zit on the tip of your nose can ruin your day -- especially since acne loves to show up right before a first date. What's the best way to deal with it?

By Tom Scheve


It's safe to say that no one's a big fan of herpes. But there's an extremely good chance that you have at least one of the eight types. Don't worry, chicken pox is one of them.

By Shanna Freeman

While you can't do much about the way a cold sore looks, you can do a few things to help decrease discomfort, speed healing and keep it from coming back.