Stress Management

Practicing good stress management helps to reduce the harmful physical and mental effects that stress and anxiety can have on the body. Learn about effective methods for stress management.

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We talked to Deepak Chopra about how to deal with the stress of 2022 and another year of COVID-19, and whether meditation can relieve the weight that goes along with it.

By Jennifer Walker-Journey

Stressed out because of work, kids' virtual school and a raging pandemic? Box breathing might be just the chill pill you need.

By Michelle Konstantinovsky

Social isolation, boredom and monotony in these days of COVID-19 may seem like passive problems, but they actually trigger the brain's stress reactions. Luckily, there's help.

By Wendy Bowman


A new survey found that today's teens and college students are far more stressed out than older Americans are. Why do they feel this way?

By Alia Hoyt

The meditative practice dates back to ancient times but is growing in popularity in the U.S. What are the benefits and are they real?

By Cherise Threewitt

Do you have a hard time relaxing? We'll teach you how to unwind! Try these five wacky ways to relax on this National Relaxation Day.

By Jennifer Wolfe

These easy-to-follow steps for effective breathing exercises will help ease the day's burdens. Learn about the health benefits of breathing exercises and find out how to do them at home or at the office.

By the editors of PureHealthMD


While few doctors would prescribe it as treatment, a hot bath can help you relax and reduce stress, which we know is important in disease prevention. Learn about the health benefits of relaxing in a hot bath.

By the editors of PureHealthMD

If you're being chased by a mountain lion, your body's stress response is pretty awesome -- if there's any time adrenaline comes in handy, it's then. That same response isn't as helpful in your daily life -- or is it?

By Tom Scheve

Some of your physical ailments could be linked to plain old-fashioned stress. Headaches? Backaches? Diarrhea? The flu? Stress does more damage than you think.

By Charles W. Bryant

Stress, which sometimes seems an inevitable part of daily life, is also a source of wear and tear on both body and mind. Learn more about the effects of stress on the body and mind in this article.

By writers


From mantra to yoga. From deep breathing exercises to plain old exercise. Get into your happy place and eliminate stress, before stress on your body and mind eliminates you.

By Jane McGrath

What could be more natural than breathing? Discover how deep breathing can influence your health and happiness in this article.

By writers

What is summer stress syndrome and how can I avoid getting it? Find out why individuals get summer stress syndrome in this article.

By writers

Life can get hectic, schedules busy and to-do lists long. Where does your time go? And how can you set better priorities? Learn how to spend and manage your time.


When looking at the high level of stress among Americans today, Occupational Psychologist Cary Cooper suggests it may be the lack of control that impacts stress levels most. Learn how a lack of control can impact stress levels.

Stress is a normal part of life, and affects people differently, but it's clear that too much stress can overload our coping mechanisms and result in stress side effects. Learn how to de-stress your life to make you healthier and happier.

By Dr. Rob Danoff

Believe it or not, daily meditation can have a great impact on your sense of calm, and it can have significant health benefits. Learn how to get started with meditation.

By Bobbie Lieberman

What's stressful to one person may be all in a day's work for another, depending on each person's perception of an event. Mental health professionals believe personality plays a significant role in how we perceive and respond to stress.

By writers


Stress in the workplace is a major health concern for countless Americans, especially with the increase in downsizing and lay-offs, causing many to fear losing their jobs. Learn to reduce the harmful effects of stress in the workplace.

By writers