Smoking Cessation
Since nicotine is addictive, smoking cessation is a difficult process, but quitting could save your life. Learn about the dangers of smoking and read about effective methods for smoking cessation.
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Learn More
Some say it's as hard to quit smoking as it is to kick a heroin habit, so it's no surprise that there are numerous products and services dedicated to helping smokers quit. What are some of the top organizations that can help you kick the habit?
Whether they believe that tobacco has healing powers or they simply enjoy the calming feel of a cigarette, people have been smoking for many years. But when did humans first pick up the habit?
There's no question -- smoking is addictive. So, can you limit the habit to social situations? If so, for how long? Let's examine the truth about the non-daily smoker.
By Susan Batten
Your lungs are complex organs that need to be well cared for, as little lung regeneration can occur. Learn more about whether your lungs can regenerate by reading this article.
Study after study shows a link between smoking and a host of health problems, but still, more than five million adults per year die from tobacco-related illnesses. So why do people continue to take up smoking?
Hard numbers and reasons for not smoking can go in one ear and out the other for most smokers. So what exactly can you do to encourage someone you love to quit smoking? You might be surprised to find out.
And as much as you may hate it, you have to remember that those who smoke might actually love it. So if you want to help them quit, remember there are ways you have to go about winning this battle, and knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do.
It can take up to 15 years to reverse some of the damage caused to the lungs by smoking. Find out more about lung regeneration from this article.
Electronic cigarettes are some of the newest products on the market making claims that they can help people quit smoking. But can they? And are they even safe?
Many smokers who decide to quit ultimately start smoking again. What exactly triggers the relapse and how can you fight it?
By Matt Sailor
Electronic cigarettes were introduced to the U.S. market in 2007 and offer an alternative to smoking tobacco. But are they a healthier option or a riskier choice? Before you consider taking up the e-cig habit, get the facts.
So many positive changes occur when you giving up smoking. Reaping any of these 10 rewards can make the difficult struggle to quit well worth it.
By Matt Sailor
Cigarettes are packed with ammonia, arsenic and turpentine. Take a deep drag. Those same substances clean toilets, kill rats and strip varnish from wood.
Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against you. Cigarette makers have found more than one way to make your brain scream for another cig. And another. And another.
Imagine you have to take cigarette breaks alone. Your old smoking buddies -- those quitters -- won't even hang out with you anymore. You can't believe it, but you just might have to quit too.
There are plenty of organizations that provide plans to quit smoking, but many successful former smokers devised plans of their own that may help you quit. Read other former smokers' stories of quitting to help put you on the road to success.
Giving up smoking isn't about what you're giving up, but what you're gaining. Read the success stories of some former smokers who found that making that reward a bit more tangible helped them get through the difficult early days.
There are nearly as many methods for quitting smoking as there are ex-smokers, but strategies that address both the physical and psychological addictions are the most likely to succeed. Learn about tools to help you successfully quit smoking.
Many people have found strength to stop smoking by turning to spiritual sources. Read success stories from former smokers who found that using spiritual strength was the key to quitting smoking.