Environmental Health
Pollutants, toxic products and industry activities in the environment can impact your health. See what you need to know about environmental health concerns.
How to Clean Retainers for Optimal Oral Health
What in the World Are Tonsil Stones?
How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?
Why You May Like Floating in a Sensory Deprivation Tank
Is Cold-Shocking Your Body After a Sauna a Good Idea?
IV Drip Bars Are a Hot Trend, But Are They Safe?
20 Most Obese Countries in the World
How Many Miles Are In 10,000 Steps?
Are Minimalist Running Shoes the Key to Fewer Injuries?
What Are DMT Elves and Who Reports Seeing Them?
Why Anti-anxiety Drug Phenibut Is So Controversial
Juul 'Make the Switch' Ads Drawing Flak From Anti-tobacco Activists
Healthiest Bottled Water: 12 Options Available in Stores
Magnesium Glycinate vs. Citrate Vitamin Supplements
Ultra-processed Foods May Increase Inflammation, Chronic Disease Risk
Sound Frequency Healing: The Power of Vibrations for Well-Being
Kava Is Natural and Legal, But Is It Safe?
6 Handy Uses for Witch Hazel
Loud Films and Concerts Don't Have to Permanently Hurt Your Ears
Should Everyone Get a Monkeypox Vaccine?
Should You Get a COVID-19 Booster Shot Now or Wait Until Fall?
10 Organizations That Want to Help You Quit Smoking
When did humans start smoking, anyway?
Is it really possible to be a social smoker?
Deepak Chopra Wants Us to 'Let Go and Flow' in 2022
Box Breathing Could Help Curb Your Freak-out Moments
Isolation and Monotony Stress the Brain. Here's How to Cope
Have Most Plastic Surgeons Had Surgery Themselves?
Getting Used to a New You (How to Emotionally Recover from Cosmetic Surgery)
Smart Liposuction Overview
Who Is the Oldest Living Person? And the Oldest to Ever Live?
One in Six Say They'd Rather Die 'Young.' What Age Is That?
Warding Off the 'Retirement Curse'
What Do Pheromones Do to People and Animals?
Man's War With Unwanted Body Hair
Why Aren't There More Patterns in Male Pattern Baldness?
Menstrual Leave: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
Do Too-tight Jog Bras Impair Breathing?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome on the Brain
Learn More
Living in one of the most walkable cities in the U.S. offers a wealth of benefits. It promotes a healthier lifestyle, reduces environmental impact by reducing dependence on cars and even boosts the city's economy. And it fosters a sense of community by encouraging interaction among neighbors.
By Ada Tseng
You might not have heard the word phthalates, but you've been exposed to them. They're chemicals that make plastics stronger and they're in just about everything you touch. But are they harmful to your health?
In the U.S., normal body temperature has been dropping over the past 150 years. People run cooler today than they did two centuries ago. Why is that?
Some people feel you track a lot of germs and dirt into your home if you keep your street shoes on inside, but studies have shown it's not that bad.
Increasing scientific evidence shows that ultrafine particles are especially hazardous to health.
From libraries to used book stores, books get passed from hand to dirty hand. How safe are they to handle?
By Carrie Tatro
Does the sound of a leaf blower make you mad? There might be a physical reason for it.
New research shows that human-caused CO2 emissions could decrease the nutritional value of staples like rice and wheat. But there are ways we can prepare.
Hundreds of scientists and doctors are calling for stronger restrictions on antibacterial chemicals that show up in yoga mats, cosmetics, and even toothpaste.
You spend one third of your life asleep. But you spend your entire life breathing. Learn more about these 10 common indoor air pollutants.
Some worry that the electromagnetic fields lead to cancer. Learn more about how electric cars and hybrids affect your health.
A few simple changes to your shopping routine can avoid potential risks. Learn more about avoiding BPA exposure from cash register receipts.