Mental Disorders
From depression to schizophrenia, mental disorders vary greatly in severity and impact on daily life. Learn about the causes and treatments available for a variety of mental disorders.
Youngest Child Syndrome: The Perks and Challenges of Being the Baby of the Family
Only Child Syndrome: Understanding the Myths and Realities of Growing Up Without Siblings
Unlocking the Mysteries of Seeing Dead Loved Ones in Dreams
How Living in Total Darkness Sabotages Your Sleep
What Causes Nightmares, and How Can You Lessen Them?
Ultra-processed Foods Are Addictive by Same Criteria as Tobacco
When Does Belief in a Conspiracy Theory Like QAnon Tip Into Addiction?
HowStuffWorks: What is Jessie's Law?
For 64 Percent of Kids with ADHD, Food is the Cause
Can food allergies cause ADHD?
ADHD Overview
Do You Have a Fear of Long Words?
Trypanophobia: When the Fear of Needles Has You Stuck
Thalassophobia: Do You Fear the Deep Ocean?
What is the autism diet?
Autism Causes
Autism Language Difficulties
3 Key Steps to Finding the Right Therapist for You
How Maladaptive Daydreaming Can Take Over Your Life
STUG: When Grief Hits Like a Bolt Out of the Blue
Lifelike Robo Pets Help Seniors Combat Loneliness
Insights on Alzheimer's From the Long-running Nun Study
Is there a link between concussions and dementia?
Youth Suicides Rose After FDA Added Antidepressant Warnings
Here's How You Help a Friend With Depression
'Gloomy Sunday:' The Song Linked to More Than 100 Suicides
Picky Eating in Adults Is a Diagnosable Disorder — Really
5 Signs of Weight Obsession
10 Facts About Eating Disorders
Hear Sounds When Watching Silent Videos? It Might Be Synesthesia
When Wisecracks and Puns Are Symptoms of Brain Damage
How Stuttering Works
How Sigmund Freud Worked
Freud, Sigmund
Learn More / Page 2
Mental illness affects all kinds of people. With this image gallery, learn about mental illness and its associated problems along with famous people who have struggled with mental disorders.
Maybe you don't like anyone sitting right next to you on the train, but you wouldn't call yourself a claustrophobe. According to some theories, we might all have a touch of claustrophobia -- even if it takes undergoing an MRI scan to provoke it.
By Josh Clark
One month you're so revved about life you give up sleep to enjoy it. The next, you're so depressed you can't get out of bed. Can bipolar disorder be treated?
By Jane McGrath
Most shoplifters steal for personal use or resale, but kleptomaniacs are addicted to stealing. But is kleptomania a real mental disorder?
So much about pyromania is a mystery. Why do pyromaniacs have uncontrollable urges to set fires? Is it the same thing as arson? And is it even a real disease?
Being sick is something most people try to avoid. But some relish the thought of going to the doctor, undergoing tests -- even having painful surgery. Though they know they aren't really sick, people with Munchausen syndrome pretend to be ill because they're seeking attention and sympathy.
Did you know that ailurophobia is a fear of cats? If you're afraid of it, someone's probably made up a goofy name for your phobia. Read our list of 28 phobias and their definitions.
Natascha Kampusch on spending eight years in a cell beneath her captor's basement: "My youth was very different. But I was also spared a lot of things -- I did not start smoking or drinking ... hang out in bad company."
By Julia Layton
Cutting is a disorder that appears to be epidemic in the United States. Learn more about this disorder with advice and guidance for families who are struggling with a loved one that suffers from cutting.
Are looking for a therapy to treat an illness? Discover the many types of therapies there are for helping cure a disease in this article.
"Nervous breakdown" can mean many things. We often hear this term when someone is under a great deal of stress. What exactly does it mean? Learn about this mental condition in this article.