From minor tension headaches to severe migraines, the articles in this section explain what's behind your headache and how it can be effectively -- and safely -- treated.
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Relieving sinus pressure isn't rocket science, but when your head's clogged up, it can feel just as important.
For most people, sinuses are only really a problem in the spring and fall, when allergies, colds and flu take over. But for an unlucky few, sinus pressure and pain come with the job.
By Dave Roos
Throw some germy surfaces into a mix of dry air and a pressurized cabin, and you have a recipe for sinus misery.
When your sinuses are clogged and you can't breathe, it might help to know how those cavities work. Over-the-counter decongestants help, too.
Learn about beta blockers in this article, plus get facts, common causes, and treatment for headaches.
By Terry Mason
Learn about MRIs and CT scansion this article, plus get facts, common causes, and treatment for headaches.
By Terry Mason
Blood tests are ordered for many reason such as artery inflammation, infection, or abnormal protein. Check out to types of blood test and common uses.
By Terry Mason
If you experience frequent migraines and headaches, food additives in your favorites foods could be the cause. Learn about facts, common causes, treatment for headaches.
By Terry Mason
Different types of alcohol could potentially trigger cluster headaches. Learn about facts, common causes, treatment for headaches.
By Terry Mason
Learn about headaches in this article, plus get facts, common causes, and treatment for headaches.
By Terry Mason
Learn about causes of headaches in this article, plus get facts, common causes, and treatment for headaches.
By Terry Mason
Tension headaches can be debilitating. Many of us automatically reach for the bottle of medication when they hit, but there are other ways to find relief. Learn about the source of this pain and what headache exercises can do to help.
The pulsing in your temples spreads to the rest of your aching head. You can't concentrate, and you snap at your co-workers before begging for ibuprofen. Why does your head feel like someone's crushing it?
Can you imagine a headache that lasts for days, months or even years? Millions of migraine sufferers can. It's a condition that affects many people -- so why are migraines still greatly underdiagnosed?
Chances are good that if you've experienced the pain and agony of acute sinusitis more than once. Take a look at the information in this article for signs, symptoms and cures for this kind of ailment.
A hangover headache is a throbbing, pounding misery. Get tips and advice on how to cure a hangover in this article.
What exactly is a headache? Find out what causes your head to hurt from different causes.
What causes an "ice cream headache" -- the headache you get when you eat something cold?