Diseases and Conditions

Know how to prevent, treat and control the symptoms of various diseases and medical conditions. We explain what's happening in your body when disease strikes, and what you can do to feel better faster.

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Women experience more health complications related to cystic fibrosis compared to men. Learn more about gender differences in cystic fibrosis from this article.

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Edema is a complication of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rather than a symptom of the disease. Learn more about whether edema is a symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by reading this article.

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Chronic congestion in children may require surgery or simply removing allergens from the child's environment. Find out more about treating chronic congestion in children from this article.

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Red food coloring can be from an artificial source or a natural source. Learn about red dye allergy symptoms in this article.

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Alternaria is a type of mold that commonly causes allergic reactions. Learn about signs of alternaria mold allergies in this article.

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People can be allergic to pollen, mold or other substances. Learn which house plants can cause allergies in this article.

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While it's not very common, allergies to chicken do exist. Learn about chicken allergy symptoms in this article.

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Rarely, people are allergic to tobacco plants. Learn about cigarette allergy symptoms in this article.

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Coconut oil allergies aren't necessarily related to tree nut allergies. Learn about coconut oil allergy symptoms in this article.

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Dust allergies can be caused by dust mites, animal dander or fungus. Learn about dust allergy symptoms in this article.

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MSG is an artificial flavor enhancer found in many foods. Learn about MSG allergy symptoms in this article.

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Nasal congestion is one symptom caused by an allergy. Find out how allergies cause nasal congestion from this article.

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Your child came home from school with a terrible rectal itch, and you're pretty sure you have to learn how to get rid of pinworms. There are all sorts of medicines available, but in this article you will learn how to get rid of pinworms naturally.

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Skin allergy breakouts can be caused by foods, drugs or things you've touched. Learn how long skin allergy breakouts last in this article.

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An avocado allergy is much like any other food allergy. Learn about avocado allergy symptoms in this article.

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Food allergies can affect your behavior, causing hyperactivity, depression, anxiety and more. Learn whether food allergies can affect your behavior in this article.

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A gluten allergy can have an early onset in childhood or a late onset in adulthood. Find out more about developing gluten allergies later in life from this article.

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There are a number of known triggers for hiccups. Learn whether hiccups can be a side effect of chemo in this article.

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Allergies can cause a wide range of symptoms. Learn whether allergies can cause post-nasal drip in this article.

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Hiccups can be long-term or short-term. Learn whether anesthesia can cause hiccups in this article.

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Fish allergies are a reaction to the proteins found in certain fish. Learn whether you can take fish oil supplements if you have a fish allergy in this article.

Allergies are the body's overreaction to certain substances. Learn whether lavender plants can cause allergies in this article.

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Mold allergies can result in hair loss. Find out how exposure to mold can lead to hair loss from this article.

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Hiccups are the result of a spasm in your diaphragm. Learn whether pancreatic cancer can cause constant hiccups in this article.

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Pollen allergies are typically characterized by cold-like symptoms. Learn whether pollen allergies can make you nauseous in this article.

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