Mental Health

Find articles on stress, phobias and schizophrenia. This section offers information on a range of mental health issues.

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Autism medications cannot reverse the underlying causes of the disorder, but have proven effective for treating the symptoms. Check out medications, symptoms, and tips for living with autism.

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Children with autism either don't speak, or have delayed language development and speak in unusual ways. Learn more about autism and language difficulties.

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Learn about autism symptoms, treatment, and other facts about autism in this article.


Out of nowhere you feel absolute terror. Your heart races and you're frantic for your breath. Everything seems unreal. Are you losing your mind? No, you're having a panic attack.

By Jane McGrath

Most shoplifters steal for personal use or resale, but kleptomaniacs are addicted to stealing. But is kleptomania a real mental disorder?

By Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.

So much about pyromania is a mystery. Why do pyromaniacs have uncontrollable urges to set fires? Is it the same thing as arson? And is it even a real disease?

By Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.

Why does the combination of orange juice and toothpaste have to taste so awful? Why can't your sense of taste resolve the problem?

By Josh Clark


Smell is a basic sense, but scientists are still exploring how it works. Why are researchers, developers and even government agencies so curious about smell? What makes a seemingly simple sense so tantalizing?

By Sarah Dowdey

Taste might seem like the simplest sense. But we know much less about taste than we do about sight and hearing. Why is taste so mysterious? And what on earth is umami?

By Sarah Dowdey

Being sick is something most people try to avoid. But some relish the thought of going to the doctor, undergoing tests -- even having painful surgery. Though they know they aren't really sick, people with Munchausen syndrome pretend to be ill because they're seeking attention and sympathy.

By Stephanie Watson

You may think you know what Tourette syndrome is, but throw out what you think you know. Tourette's patients are not constantly twitching and belting out obscenities.

By Melissa Jeffries


Did you know that ailurophobia is a fear of cats? If you're afraid of it, someone's probably made up a goofy name for your phobia. Read our list of 28 phobias and their definitions.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

How to fall asleep is a complex question that can affect every part of your daily routine. Learn how to hit the sweet spot in your sleep-wake cycle.

By Virgil D. Wooten

The causes of insomnia are as numerous as the forms it takes. Learn how to combat insomnia arising from medical conditions, jet lag and other causes.

By Virgil D. Wooten

Autism is a condition that interferes with a child's ability to communicate and interact socially. And in recent years, the number of children diagnosed with this condition has been rising.

By Stephanie Watson


Headlines are announcing "TV Causes Autism" but that's not an accurate representation of what a recent Cornell study found.

By Julia Layton

In bed, you toss and turn, unable to get a good nights sleep. You feel anxious and worried. Friends tell you to pull yourself together, but you feel helpless and hopeless. Learn about depression.

By Betty Burrows

Natascha Kampusch on spending eight years in a cell beneath her captor's basement: "My youth was very different. But I was also spared a lot of things -- I did not start smoking or drinking ... hang out in bad company."

By Julia Layton

Get the facts about addiction with the help of our addiction center.

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Oh that queasy feeling, when the world just won't stop swaying or bobbing. No matter what the mode of transport, the result can be motion sickness. Learn tips to help avoid this uncomfortable state.

Analyzing your dreams can be tricky, but the process can help you to understand the underlying message. Take a look at the revealing information in this article about dreams.

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We all have had dreams that range from the scary to the heroic, but what can a dream say about personality? Find out the answer to this question with the information inside this article.

By writers

Dreams can be classified into common themes but just how many types of dreams can one person have? Find out the answer to this questions and more with the information inside this article.

By writers


Cutting is a disorder that appears to be epidemic in the United States. Learn more about this disorder with advice and guidance for families who are struggling with a loved one that suffers from cutting.

Bridget is a young woman recovering from anorexia. Read her story and learn about her struggles in recovering from an eating disorder.

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